All Departments

Dr. Daniela Abraham

Assistant Professor of Spanish

Dr. Robert Alvis

Academic Dean and Professor of Church History

Dr. Kimberly Baker

Associate Professor of Patristics

Fr. Patrick Cooney, OSB

Assistant Professor of Canon Law

Fr. Guerric DeBona, OSB

Director of Spiritual Formation, Professor of Homiletics and Director of Hispanic Ministry

Dr. Michael Dunnigan

Associate Professor of Canon Law

Br. John Mark Falkenhain, OSB

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychology

Br. John Glasenapp, OSB

Assistant Professor of Liturgical Music
and Medieval Studies

Fr. Thomas Gricoski, OSB

Associate Professor of Philosophy & Novice Junior Master

Dr. Chris Hackett

Associate Professor of Philosophy

Fr. Harry Hagan, OSB

Associate Professor of Scripture

Fr. Eugene Hensell, OSB

Professor Emeritus

Dr. Clayton Jefford

Professor of Scripture

Dr. Daniel Kolb

Library Director & Adjunct Professor of Philosophy

Dr. Ryan LaMothe

Professor of Pastoral Care and Counseling

Dr. Keith Lemna

Associate Professor of Systematic Theology

Dr. Christopher Lutz

Professor of Philosophy

Fr. Guy Mansini, OSB

Professor of Systematic Theology

Dr. Nathaniel Marx

Associate Professor of Liturgical and Sacramental Theology

Fr. Godfrey Mullen, OSB

Assistant Professor of Sacramental and Liturgical Theology

Fr. Paul Nord, OSB

Adjunct Instructor of Scripture

Fr. Mark O'Keefe, OSB

Professor of Moral Theology

Fr. Julian Peters, OSB

Director of Institute for Priests and Presbyterates

Fr. Christian Raab, OSB

Associate Professor of Systematic Theology

Fr. Denis Robinson, OSB

President-Rector & Associate Professor of Systematic Theology

Dr. Kevin Schemenauer

Associate Professor of Moral Theology

Dr. John Schlachter

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Philosophy

Archabbot Kurt Stasiak, OSB

Professor Emeritus

Dr. Richard Stern

Professor Emeritus

Sr. Jeana Visel, OSB

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Spirituality

Dr. Thomas Walters

Professor Emeritus