Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology is committed to providing education and formation of the highest quality for priests, permanent deacons, and lay ministers. The school has developed a variety of tools to assess achievement and degree program effectiveness.
Faculty and staff regularly review this assessment data, and the school provides ample support to promote student success.
The charts at this link offer a brief picture of our data for the past school year and for the past three years. These are the most basic measures of the demographic make-up of our graduating students, their academic and post-graduation achievement, and for our Graduate Theology Programs, the average time taken to complete the degree.
Master of Divinity Ordination Rates: The ordination rate for seminarians receiving the MDiv at Saint Meinrad is 91% for 2023 (2 deacons are not yet ordained priests for overseas dioceses) and for the period 2021-23 it is 95%.
Master of Arts (Catholic Philosophical Studies) (MACPS) Matriculation Rates: 60% of 2023 Catholic Philosophical Studies graduates entered further study toward the MDiv or entered religious life. 87% of MACPS graduates from the period 2021 to 2023 have either entered MDiv programs or pursued religious life.
Time to Degree Completion: 2023 MA (Theology) graduates completed their degree in 4.5 years, on average. Over the three-year period from 2021 to 2023, the average is 4 years.
10-Year Graduation Rate: 17 of 21, or 81%, of Graduate Theology students who began their Saint Meinrad degrees in 2013 completed the degree within the 10-year limit imposed by the school. Over the past three school years, the 10-year graduation rate is 78% (62 out of 79 degree-seeking students who first enrolled in 2011 through 2013).