Ministry Moments: March Updates From Our Partner Parishes
Tuesday, March 18, 2025

We asked our partner parishes to tell us about a ministry moment, an encounter with a young adult, or a story they'd like to share. Here are their answers.

A Pilgrimage Through Your Heart | Jubilee Year Blog Post #3
Friday, March 14, 2025

If this whole year is a pilgrimage, then Lent is a pilgrimage within a pilgrimage. A jubilee within a jubilee. A time to go deeper. The Lord is inviting you on an interior pilgrimage this Lent. He wants to walk with you through the landscape of your heart – the hills and valleys, fertile soil and barren ground, newly discovered spots that are ripe for adventure, places of memory where you return year after year, dangerous places where you are afraid to go alone. The Lord wants to travel with you because He loves you and desires to bring His abundant life to every corner of your heart.

The Wilderness and the Garden | Jubilee Year Blog #2
Wednesday, February 26, 2025

The season of Lent invites us back to the wilderness. In the familiar pattern of our liturgical life – the times and seasons God uses to draw us into his mystery – Lent comes around every year as a “reset” button on the spiritual life. When we enter the wilderness with Jesus at Lent, it is not because he wants us to remain there. The wilderness is a place of passage. A place of purification and preparation so that we can return to the garden.

Ministry Moments: February Updates From Our Partner Parishes
Tuesday, February 18, 2025

We asked our partner parishes to tell us about a ministry moment, an encounter with a young adult, or a story they'd like to share. Here are their answers.

Insights From Our Partner Parishes: Reflecting On 2024
Wednesday, February 12, 2025

As we reflect on the previous year of ministry with young adults, here are some of the biggest lessons and insights from our partner parishes.

Ministry Ideas for the Season of Lent
Wednesday, February 5, 2025

If you’re looking for ways to celebrate the season of Lent with young adults in your parish, here are some things our partner parishes and others have tried. Remember that this season – with its special attention to the practices of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving – is ultimately about deepening our relationship with the Lord.

Mission Trip Reflections: St. John the Evangelist in Mexico City
Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Young Adults (and parishioners) from St. John the Evangelist in St. John, IN went on a Mission Trip to Mexico City where they worked with Hope of the Poor. Hope of the Poor serves some of the most forgotten, neglected, lonely, and abandoned people in downtown Mexico City. They encountered people living in the depths of poverty - some in conditions that seem unimaginable.

Pilgrims of Hope | Jubilee Year Blog #1
Wednesday, January 15, 2025

To journey with hope turns times of boredom into solitude with the Lord. Most of our pilgrimage this year will be in the ordinary events of life. These moments are not unimportant to our Lord, but they are the very places where he is transforming our hearts to be more like his.

Word of the Year
Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Through a word of the year, we can become more attuned to God’s voice in Scripture or in our prayer. Oftentimes, when my word shows up in the Liturgy of the Hours or I hear it proclaimed in the Sunday readings, it captures my attention and refocuses me on what the Lord is speaking to my heart.

December Reflection on Gardening and Faith
Monday, December 9, 2024

Do not grow weary in these dark days of winter. The Lord is near, drawing us ever closer to himself. Let’s resolve to stay awake and alert, ready to meet the Lord with hearts wide open to receive everything from him.

Ministry Ideas for the Season of Advent
Friday, November 22, 2024

If you’re looking for ways to celebrate the season of Advent with young adults in your parish, here are some things our partner parishes and others have tried. Remember, like Lent, Advent is a time of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.

Ministry Moments: November Updates From Our Partner Parishes
Wednesday, November 20, 2024

We asked our partner parishes to tell us about a ministry moment, an encounter with a young adult, or a story they'd like to share. Here are their answers.

November Reflection on Gardening and Faith
Wednesday, November 13, 2024

My encouragement to all of us – most especially myself – is this: don’t let the lie of perfection rob you of your seasonal joy. The Lord invites us to slow down, make space for Him, and prioritize the preparation of our souls over the social media-worthy preparation of our holiday events.

Mission Trip Reflections: St. John the Evangelist in Omaha, NE
Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Young Adults from St. John the Evangelist in St. John, IN went on a Mission Trip to Omaha, Nebraska where they worked with the ministry of Hope of the Poor. Hope of the Poor reaches out and serves some of the most forgotten, neglected, lonely and abandoned people in downtown Omaha and on the Native American Reservations. We encountered people living in the depths of poverty - some in conditions that seem unimaginable.

Exploring Our Charisms: An Invitation to Live More Fully in the Spirit
Monday, October 28, 2024

Before discerning our charisms and using them to serve our community, it’s important that we begin with our identity as beloved sons and daughters of God. If we are rooted in this identity – if we believe that this sonship or daughterhood is the truest thing about ourselves – then we can more freely use our charisms in service of the Kingdom without being distracted, discouraged, or disheartened by other identities we might put ahead of our deepest one. We are free to be exactly who God created us to be.

October Reflection on Gardening and Faith
Monday, October 14, 2024

It’s one thing for the Lord to move in the garden. It’s another for us to recognize His movements and join in the work. He will never force His work on us; He always prompts a response because he wants our “yes” to be freely and generously given.

Becoming a Saint
Monday, October 7, 2024

Saints became saints because of the way they loved and their obedience to what God asked them to do regardless of the hardship of the circumstances. Hence, for us to become saints, we have to love well.

Ministry Moments: October Updates From Our Partner Parishes
Thursday, October 3, 2024

We asked our partner parishes to tell us about a ministry moment, an encounter with a young adult, or a story they'd like to share. Here are their answers.

No Such Thing as Wasted Time
Monday, September 23, 2024

Time is given to us by God in order to grow in holiness, to discover meaning, to forge connections with the people and the world around us. If we look at time in this way – given to us for our sanctification – then time spent pursuing the true, good, and beautiful is never wasted.

Ministry Moments: September Updates From Our Partner Parishes
Tuesday, September 17, 2024

We asked our Partner Parishes to tell us about a ministry moment, an encounter with a young adult, or a story that they'd like to share. Here are their answers.

September Reflection on Gardening and Faith
Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Harvest only happens when we have done the work of preparation. Harvest in the soul occurs when we go deeper into the mystery of faith, accompanied by the Lord, so that we may come to know Him better – and therefore, ourselves.

Trust In God With Your Whole Heart
Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Our relationship with God, our loving Father and Creator, is not like any other relationship we have in our life. He is the One who will meet us with inexhaustible love and mercy, no matter what we bring Him. In fact, he wants us to share every part of ourselves with Him.

Ministry Moments: August Updates From Our Partner Parishes
Thursday, August 15, 2024

We asked our Partner Parishes to tell us about a ministry moment, an encounter with a young adult, or a story that they'd like to share. Here are their answers.

August Reflection on Gardening and Faith
Monday, August 12, 2024

In these moments of tiredness, I invite you to think of the weariness of Jesus. He spent His years of public ministry surrounded by people who were desperate for His words, His attention, His healing touch. He was constantly giving Himself away.

Ministry Moments: Updates From Our Partner Parishes July
Tuesday, July 16, 2024

We asked our Partner Parishes to tell us about a ministry moment, an encounter with a young adult, or a story that they'd like to share. Here are their answers.

Plan for the Lord’s Goodness
Tuesday, July 9, 2024

As you make your plans, don’t forget to plan for God’s goodness. Don’t forget to leave space for God to act. His goodness is not an accident or a coincidence. It is not a way He covers up our mistakes or rewards our good behavior. His action in our lives at every moment is to bring about our growth in holiness and draw us closer to Himself.

Reflection on Gardening and Faith: July
Wednesday, July 3, 2024

It matters more how we use our tools versus which ones we use. The goal is to invite young people into a space of prayer, listen to them, call out their gifts, build relationships, and facilitate an encounter with the Lord. If a program or another tool helps make that possible, use it! But never let a program take the place of you – your witness to the work of the Lord in your life and the unique and unrepeatable way you can love with the heart of Christ.

Ministry Moments: June Updates From Our Partner Parishes
Tuesday, June 25, 2024

We asked our Partner Parishes to tell us about a ministry moment, an encounter with a young adult, or a story that they'd like to share. Here are their answers.

June Reflection on Gardening and Faith
Thursday, June 13, 2024

Summer is always a good time to slow down and take stock of where you are. Whether your daily routines are changing or remaining stable, this new season is a reminder that the year is halfway through.

Young Adult Testimony: My Alpha Journey
Tuesday, June 4, 2024

I was intimidated because of background and ignorance but I learned on the retreat that you don’t have to be clean or perfect to come to God. God and His only begotten son want to be part of the journey, and I found so much strength and courage in that.

The Importance of Practicing Hospitality
Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Hospitality is a sacred relationship between a host and a guest. It is a relationship of sacrifice and gratitude, giving and receiving, mutual trust. There is a level of vulnerability in each of the parties involved in an exchange of hospitality. The Rule of Saint Benedict, which is near and dear to our hearts at Saint Meinrad, says, “All guests who present themselves are to be welcomed as Christ, for he himself will say: I was a stranger and you welcomed me (Matt 25:35).” (Rule 53:1)

Ministry Moments: May Updates From Our Partner Parishes
Monday, May 27, 2024

We asked our Partner Parishes to tell us about a ministry moment, an encounter with a young adult, or a story that they'd like to share. Here are their answers.

Koinonia: A Christ-Centered Approach to Community and Hospitality
Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Koinonia This Greek word has no direct translation into English, but it can be understood as communion, fellowship, intimacy, solidarity, to share, and to act in common. In short, koinonia captures the reality of how we are meant to live with one another. Koinonia is what we are created for.

May Reflection on Gardening and Faith
Tuesday, May 14, 2024

One of the best companions we can have is mother Mary. She is a model of receptivity, trust, and discipleship – her yes to being the Mother of God paves the way for our small, everyday yeses to God’s plan. In this month of May, ask Mary to draw closer to you and be your companion in the garden of your soul.

Living the Paschal Mystery
Monday, April 29, 2024

At the end of the day, I look back and wonder: What did I really accomplish? Was I present to others? Was I present to the Lord? Did I live today, or did I just fill my time?

April Ministry Moments: Updates From Our Partner Parishes
Thursday, April 18, 2024

We asked our Partner Parishes to tell us about a ministry moment, an encounter with a young adult, or a story that they'd like to share. Here are their answers.

April Reflection on Gardening and Faith
Thursday, April 11, 2024

This season, above all, is a season of joy. Death becomes life, darkness becomes light. The sorrowful are comforted, the despairing have hope, and the ground is teeming with the possibility of new life. We just experienced the greatest gift of our lives: the life-giving death of Jesus Christ. It seems backwards by human reasoning – how could life come from death? It’s one of the profound mysteries of our faith, and it points to the power, creativity, and mercy of God.

March Ministry Moments: Updates From Our Partner Parishes
Monday, March 25, 2024

We asked our Partner Parishes to tell us about a ministry moment, an encounter with a young adult, or a story that they'd like to share. Here are their answers.

He Works Through Us
Friday, March 22, 2024

Judas sold Him out. Peter, James, and John couldn't stay awake for His vigil in the garden. Peter eventually betrayed Him. His own people wanted to kill Him. But these are the very people who should bring us hope.

March Reflection on Gardening and Faith
Thursday, March 7, 2024

Friends, how is the garden of your heart looking now that we are well into Lent? The pre-Lent preparatory work has given way to mid-Lent preparatory work – we are never truly finished growing.

Into the Wilderness to Meet God
Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Lent is about encounter. It’s about going out into the wilderness to meet the Lord. It’s about rejecting those things that get in the way of our relationship with Him and moving closer to His heart. It’s a time of healing.

Helpful Resources from Our Partner Parishes
Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Here are some resources that our Partner Parishes found helpful in 2023.

February Reflection on Gardening and Faith
Tuesday, February 13, 2024

I always have a feeling of anticipation before Lent. The Mass readings seem a little more intense. Places of growth in my heart are rising to the surface. Bad habits are becoming more obvious. Ideas for how to approach the season with intentionality flash through my head. The air feels a little more charged. And God feels a little bit closer.

Insights From Our Partner Parishes: Reflecting On 2023
Monday, February 5, 2024

As we reflect on the previous year of ministry with young adults, here are some of the biggest lessons and insights from our partner parishes...

You Are a Gift to the World
Monday, January 15, 2024

You are a gift, and your life is a gift simply because you were created intentionally by a God who loves you. He didn’t need you (He doesn’t need any of us, really), but He wanted you to exist and so you do.

SEEK24 Data Study: Where do you see God’s light?
Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Saint Meinrad recently attended the SEEK Catholic conference in St. Louis where 20,000 participants – most of them college students – gathered to worship, share in community, and learn about our common call to discipleship.

January Reflection on Gardening and Faith
Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Every year in January, I’m reminded to take a moment (or many) to plan my goals for my little farm. There’s no grand resolution or major lifestyle change, but an ever growing, evolving, and learning process to improve. So, too, in our faith life do we need seasons of rest and planning.

Young Adult Testimony: How Alpha Impacted Me
Monday, December 18, 2023

Written by Jocelyn Alvarez who recently completed Alpha at St. John the Evangelist Parish. "Before Alpha, I was seriously doubting that God even existed. I grew up Catholic following my parents’ faith, went to a Catholic school, and did my holy sacraments. I do not have a strong faith background other than sometimes going to Mass on holidays and being promised a good breakfast after on Sundays... ...I would pray so much in my childhood, praying for the bad situations that came out of my household to change, but they never have and they unfortunately still haven't. Coming to Alpha I have realized God was listening and maybe not able to change my situation but giving me His ultimate love and strengthening me to continue to live under His guidance."

A Letter to Ministers in the Season of Advent
Monday, December 11, 2023

Originally published December 2022

Ministry Moments: Updates From Our Partner Parishes
Monday, December 4, 2023

Leaders from our ten partner parishes were asked to tell us about a ministry moment, an encounter with a young adult, or a place they experienced God this month. Here are their testimonies.

What Kind of King Do We Have?
Sunday, November 26, 2023

A reflection for the Solemnity of our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe

Mental Health and Ministry
Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Insights on mental health and ministry from our time with Beth Hlabse, M.S., LMHCA, director of the Fiat Program on Faith and Mental Health at the McGrath Institute for Church Life.

Ministry Updates from Our Partner Parishes
Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Leaders from our ten partner parishes were asked to tell us about a ministry moment, an encounter with a young adult, or a place they experienced God this month. Here are their testimonies.

A Small Conversion
Wednesday, August 16, 2023

I was looking back through my journal and came across a reflection I had written while in Adoration earlier this year. It felt very timely to relive this experience, since our Church is inviting us to return to the Eucharist – the source and summit of our faith – during the National Eucharistic Revival...

A Reflection on Thomas the Believer
Monday, July 3, 2023

Today is the feast of Saint Thomas the Apostle. At Mass, we hear one of my favorite Gospel stories of all time: the appearance of Jesus to His disciples in the upper room...

From Our Partner Parishes: Tell Us About a Ministry Moment in the Last Month
Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Leaders from our ten partner parishes were asked to tell us about a ministry moment, an encounter with a young adult, or a place they experienced God this month. Here are their testimonies...

The Freedom of Discipline
Thursday, June 15, 2023

When I was in college, I was asked to give a witness talk for our Catholic center’s annual retreat. I was really excited…that is, until I received my topic: resolution and commitment...

Multicultural Young Adult Ministry: Five Things to Know!
Wednesday, May 24, 2023

On April 28-30, the Young Adult Initiative hosted our Spring 2023 Gathering – a semi-annual meeting of partner parish representatives at Saint Meinrad. Our presenter for the weekend was Katherine Angulo V., M.A., from the McGrath Institute at Notre Dame. She spoke to our group about multicultural parish and young adult ministry...

Reflections From Our Partner Parishes: Where Did You See God? - May 2023
Monday, May 15, 2023

Leaders from our ten partner parishes were asked to tell us about a ministry moment, an encounter with a young adult, or a place they experienced God this month. Here are their testimonies...

It's Time to Begin Again
Wednesday, April 19, 2023

A reflection on John 21:1-19 by Cassie Schutzer, director of the Young Adult Initiative...

Reflections From Our Partner Parishes: Where Did You See God? - April 2023
Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Leaders from our ten partner parishes were asked, “Where did you see God at work in your life this month?” Here are their testimonies...

What's Working in Young Adult Ministry?
Tuesday, February 28, 2023

The National Community of Catechetical Leaders (NCCL) recently hosted an online conference on “What’s Working in Parent, Family and Adult Faith Formation” and invited our director, Cassie Schutzer, and Dr. Tracey Lamont from Loyola to speak about ministry with young adults...

Project Update: Insights From Our Partner Parishes
Saturday, February 4, 2023

As we reflect on the last year of ministry with young adults, here are some of the biggest lessons and insights from our partner parishes...

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

In order to accompany young people, we need to know what they care about. We need to know what is important to them. We need to know their struggles and hopes and challenges and desires.

What is on the Hearts of our Young People?
Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Saint Meinrad recently attended the SEEK Catholic conference in St. Louis where 17,000 participants – most of them college students – gathered to worship, share in community, and learn about our common call to discipleship.

Thursday, December 15, 2022

It’s so easy to slip into a routine of busyness during the Advent season. It’s almost automatic, comfortable for us. There is always an event to plan, a gift to buy, a card to write, a service project to coordinate. If we aren’t careful, we can blink and miss the season altogether.

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Leaders from our ten partner parishes were asked, “Where did you see God at work in your life this month?” Here are their testimonies:

Monday, October 31, 2022

I was struck while visiting the tomb of my patron, St. Francis of Assisi, of the beauty of his being surrounded by the tombs of his brothers (literally in a circle around his tomb in the crypt chapel). Even in death, he is surrounded by his first friends to join him in the Order of Friars Minor, who encouraged him, built him up, loved and supported him by their prayer and friendship on the road to heaven.

Who Do You Work For?
Monday, October 17, 2022

Ministry became synonymous with anxiety, which led me to question whether I had discerned my vocation correctly. Thankfully, I received the peace that I needed when God put a question on my heart: “Who do you work for?”

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Leaders from our ten partner parishes were asked, “Where did you see God at work in your life this month?” Here are their testimonies:

Friday, September 23, 2022

We are built for community, and we were never meant to live a life of faith on our own. We desire spaces where we are seen, welcomed, and known. We desire people in our lives who love us despite the qualities we deem unlovable. We desire a place to share our God-given gifts with others.

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

I think to truly know and understand a person, we need to listen to their story. We need to ask about how God is working in their life. We need to know what their hopes and dreams and challenges and struggles are. In this five-year journey of the Young Adult Initiative, we are truly on a journey together and I want you all to know me.