Preparing for Mass: Middle School Edition

Grace Soellner
Monday, January 20, 2025

Getting ready for Mass doesn’t mean just getting dressed. It’s about preparing your heart to meet Jesus. Here are some simple ways to turn your morning routine into moments of prayer and connection with God.


Choosing Your Clothes: When picking out your outfit, think about how you want to show your respect and love for God. Dressing well is like saying, “I care about this moment with you, Jesus.”


Reflection: What does it mean to give God my best, not just in what I wear, but in how I act?


Prayer: “Jesus, I’m getting ready to meet you. Help me bring my best self to Mass: kind, loving, and ready to listen.”


Brushing Your Teeth: While you brush your teeth, think about your words this week. Were they kind, truthful, and loving? Ask Jesus to help you speak words that bring people closer to him.


Reflection: Have I used my words to help others, or have I hurt anyone with them? How can I speak more like Jesus?


Prayer: “Jesus, help me use my words to spread love, kindness, and truth. Teach me to speak like you do.”


Fixing Your Hair: As you fix your hair, think about how God made every part of you with care. He even knows how many hairs are on your head!


Reflection: Do I believe that God created me exactly as he wanted? How can I show respect for myself and others today?


Prayer: “God, you know me better than anyone. Thank you for making me special. Help me to see myself and others the way you do.”


Eating Breakfast: When you eat, remember how Jesus gave us the Eucharist to feed our souls. Just as food gives us energy, Jesus gives us strength to live with love and courage.


Reflection: Am I hungry to know Jesus more? How can I let him guide me today?


Prayer: “Thank you, Jesus, for the food that gives me energy and for the Eucharist that feeds my soul. Help me to follow you today.”


Putting on Your Shoes: Shoes help us move forward. Think about where Jesus might be leading you today and how you can follow him with trust and courage.


Reflection: What good choices can I make today to stay close to God? How can I walk with him in my daily life?


Prayer: “Jesus, guide my steps today. Help me follow where you lead and trust in your plan for me.”


Quiet Reflection or Journaling: Before leaving for church, take one minute to think about your week. Did you feel close to God? Were there moments you struggled? Bring those thoughts to Jesus in prayer.


Reflection: What do I want to thank God for? What do I need his help with? How can I hear him better today at Mass?


Prayer: “Jesus, I bring you my week—the good, the hard, and everything in between. Help me to hear what you want to say to me at Mass today.”


The Drive to Church: Use the drive as a quiet time to think about Jesus. Pray silently or out loud, and if you like music, play a worship song to set the mood.


Reflection: What do I need to leave behind so I can focus on God? What am I bringing to him today?


Prayer: “Jesus, I’m coming to meet you. Help me to be open to your Word and your love.”



Preparing for Mass doesn’t have to be complicated. It’s about little moments of prayer and reflection during your routine that help you focus on God. These steps can help you start Mass feeling ready to listen and grow in your faith. Remember, Jesus is always excited to spend time with you.