Evrard Muhoza

  • Diocese/Religious Community Archdiocese of Louisville

Degrees Pursuing at Saint Meinrad

  • Master of Divinity

What attracted you to the priesthood?

My uncle is a priest. Since I was young, I saw him as the one who united the families. If there was any conflict among my other uncles, or the neighbors, or even my parents, he would be the one who would come to calm things down and unite them again. The priesthood for me was a sign of unity, especially when I saw how my uncle united everybody. I wanted to be a man who bring unity to others.   

Who or what influenced you to begin study for the priesthood?

There have been many priests who influenced me in my discernment. One of them was my parish associate priest, who helped a lot within my discernment. In my second year living here in the United States, I went to him and told him that I wanted to go to the seminary, but I was afraid because I did not know English. I was also afraid because I have always prayed in Kirundi, and I did not know any prayer in English. Since then, he started to teach me the prayers. He also taught me the history of the diocese, and the basic things I needed to know.

What were you doing before you came to the seminary?

Before I joined the seminary, I was a student at Jeffersontown High School in Louisville,KY.

Favorite saint and why?

St. Maria Goretti is my favorite saint. She was a role model for me in my first years here in the United States. The way she forgave Alexandro inspired me to also forgive those who wanted to kill my parents, forcing us to flee Burundi. Also, she is my favorite because I grew up singing in a children’s choir at my home parish that was named after her.

Favorite Scripture verse and why?

The compassion of Jesus (Matthew 9:35-38). This verse reminds me of the compassion that Jesus had for the people he encountered in his ministry. In a way, I see the call to priesthood coming from this compassion. God responds to the troubled and abandoned by sending them those who remind them of his love.  


I have a lot of hobbies. Recently, my main hobbies have been playing soccer, singing, dancing, slowly learning how to play piano and the organ, and learning a new language.

What aspect of seminary life has been most rewarding?

The entire seminary community has been most rewarding, especially my brother seminarians in my class and my diocesan brothers. I am most fulfilled by the friends that I have made who often challenge me to grow, and whom I share with when I am having good days or difficult days.

What aspect of seminary life has been most challenging?

The academic aspect of seminary life has been the most challenging for me. One would think that having lived in the United States for 10 years that I am fully fluent in English, but I still find it difficult sometimes. I am often challenged when I am reading some of the reading assignments.

Best advice you’ve heard in seminary?

The priesthood is not a license or a right, it is a gift.

Other comments?

I have really enjoyed being here at Saint Meinrad. I do think that I am where I should be. I also should not forget to mention that I like working at the UnStable in the kitchen. It has been wonderful to spend Monday evenings with my diocesan brothers making all the things that everybody likes from the UnStable kitchen.