Brian Doyle has been named director of planned giving and foundation relations for the Development Office of Saint Meinrad Archabbey and Seminary and School of Theology, St. Meinrad, IN. He replaces Dcn. Michael Shumway, who retired on March 1. Doyle began his work on March 5.
In this position, Doyle will administer a comprehensive program of planned giving. He will identify, cultivate, and invite major gifts and be responsible for helping to build foundation relations to support Saint Meinrad’s various programs through partnerships and grant opportunities.
Doyle attended Saint Meinrad College and received a bachelor’s degree in English and communications with a minor in philosophy in 1995. He went on to study sacred theology at Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas, Angelicum, Rome, Italy, pursuing a Bachelor of Sacred Theology in Systematic Theology. He furthered his studies at the Pontifical Faculty of the Immaculate Conception, Dominican House of Studies, Washington, D.C., in pursuit of the Licentiate in Sacred Theology.
Doyle previously served as the mission advancement officer for the Diocese of Toledo, OH, from 2020-2023, establishing the new development office and growing philanthropic giving throughout the diocese. From 2014-2020, he served as the director of development for the Diocese of Palm Beach, FL, and executive director of Catholic Community Foundation of Southeast Florida. He worked in the Department of Stewardship for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati as the associate director from 2007-2014. He also worked at the USCCB for six years in the Departments of Education and Catechesis and Migration and Refugee Services in Washington, D.C.
Doyle has been an active member of the International Catholic Stewardship Council (ICSC) for nearly 20 years. He has served on the Board of Directors, as both the Diocesan Region XIV representative and as an appointed member-at-large. He also served on its Strategic Planning Committee and was a workshop presenter and moderator.
His volunteer service has included work with Boy Scouts of America, the St. Francis/St. Joseph Catholic Worker House in Cincinnati, OH, the Sant’Egidio community in Rome, the American Overseas School of Rome, and various parishes in the Arch/Dioceses of Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Palm Beach, and Toledo. He accompanied a medical mission to the Philippines and was a missionary volunteer with Maryknoll Missionary Fathers in East Africa.
He is married to Donna Kay, his wife of 21 years, and is father to their seven children; Blase, Cecilia, Xavier, Finnian, Gemma, Juliana, and Kateri.