
HeinOnline.  Provides online access to journals and books on religion and law, canon law, publications of the Christian Legal Society, the Canon Law Society, and many other resources.



Current Journals are on the Upper Level and back issues are on the Lower Level of Archabbey Library. 


Online and Print Journals

The Jurist.  The only scholarly journal published in the United States devoted to the study and promotion of canon law.

Studia Canonica.  A scholarly journal on canon law published by the Faculty of Canon Law of Saint Paul University in Ottawa, Canada.

Ephemerides theologicae Lovanienses: commentarii de re theological et canonica.  Published by the professors of Theology and Canon Law at the Catholic University of Louvain with articles in English, French, and German.

Periodica de re canonica.  Multilingual journal published by the faculty of Canon Law at the Pontifical Gregorian University.


Print Journals

Canon Law Abstracts.  A review of periodical literature in Canon Law by members of the Canon Law Society of Great Britain and Ireland.

The Canonist.  Published by the Canon Law Society of Australia and New Zealand

Studies in Church Law: An Indian Canon Law Review.  Published by St. Peter’s Pontifical Institute, Bangalore, India.

Philippine Canonical Forum.  Published by the Canon Law Society of the Philippines.

Proceedings of the … Annual Convention of the Canon Law Society of AmericaProvides the addresses, seminars, and committee reports from the Canon Law Society of America’s annual convention.

Apollinaris: commentarium iuridic-canonicumPublished by the Pontifical Lateran University.  Articles are in Italian examining canon, church, and civil law.

L’Année canonique.  Published by the International Society of Canonical and Comparative Ecclesiastical Law.  Articles are in French.


Online Journals

Ius canonicum.  Articles regarding Canon and Ecclesiastical law.  The journal is in Spanish.

Bulletin of Medieval Canon Law.  Articles on the history of canon law in the medieval and early modern period.