Many of our students pursue degrees part-time and live several hours away from campus. Realizing that you have other responsibilities - family, full-time work, parish, and community involvement, etc. - we provide a variety of course formats that fit your busy life.

Our online courses, taught using our online learning platform, are offered in the spring, summer, and fall terms. Online courses have weekly scheduled assignments and promote peer interaction. Course designs may vary. Some courses run parallel to on-campus courses and include video lectures. Most courses are asynchronous, meaning you do not need to be online at a certain time each week.

Photo of students taking masters classes online.

We do not offer a complete distance-learning degree, and you must earn at least 25 percent of your degree credits through courses that meet on campus, you can complete 75% of your theology master's classes online!

To find out more about our inline theology master's classes and how to apply please use the link below and complete our application inquiry form today.

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