There’s More in Store: Education for a Lifetime

“A lot of life lessons can be learned on the golf course,” says Jenny Koch, a 2016 graduate of Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology’s Graduate Theology Program. When Jenny teaches youth about character development through golf lessons, she speaks from years of experience—in golf, teaching, campus ministry, and religious publishing.

From her days golfing on the University of Evansville team, Jenny wanted to be a teacher. After graduating with a bachelor’s degree in history and a minor in religion, she admired educators for their active engagement with youth in the journey of learning.

“That’s when I told myself, ‘I think I need to be a teacher,’” she says.

Two weeks later, Reitz Memorial High School called and asked her to be the golf coach. Jenny began teaching social studies and coaching golf, but eventually the principal asked if she would consider moving to theology. That is when Memorial invited her to study for a Master of Arts degree in theology at Saint Meinrad, focusing on Church history, while she continued to teach.

 “I had no idea what I would learn and the roads it would take me down,” she explains.

 Fr. Godfrey Mullen, OSB, told her, “Jenny, you are not just studying at Saint Meinrad to teach Church history.” Time would reveal he was right.

 The first class Jenny took was Dr. Christopher Lutz’s philosophy class.

 “It really forced me to think differently,” she says. “I’m not just here because I want to be a better teacher. It really opened my eyes to the formation that happens here.”

 At Saint Meinrad, Jenny grew in mind and heart. Jenny was a new mother during her studies. Her mother and her sister always lent a helping hand.

 “That gave me a real sense that I could do this,” she explains. Jenny also became close friends with other women in her classes who already had children. She continues, “When I look back, these strong, brilliant women were like my second mothers. It was very providential. That’s something that will remain with me for the rest of my life.”

 After teaching high school theology and serving as a Catholic campus minister at the University of Evansville Newman Center, it was time for a new chapter.

“I was online looking for a publishing company and looking for Catholic jobs. Decided Excellence reached out to me,” she says.

Founded in 2015, Decided Excellence produces over 100 monthly faith-based magazines for Catholic parishes across the country. Jenny serves as a publisher, connecting with new client parishes and business sponsors, writing articles, and preparing publications.

She explains, “Thousands and thousands of people are reading the Gospel and local faith stories. I really love the opportunity at Decided Excellence to use my skills to reach people with the faith.”

Fr. Godfrey had promised that God had more in store for Jenny. “There’s so much more going on. I think that sums up well my experience at Saint Meinrad,” she says. “It’s just astonishing how those relationships have made me a better mother and servant leader. Saint Meinrad enabled me, empowered me, and educated me for a lifetime.”

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