Time Again to Honor Your Inner Monk

Thursday, September 17, 2020

It’s difficult to say anything nice about living during a pandemic, but this time of canceled events and upended schedules did allow us to complete a project that we’ve been wanting to do for some time.

In 2013, we introduced a smartphone app, Honor Your Inner Monk, that offered a short morning and evening prayer each day. It was a popular way to develop the habit of praying by serving up two brief prayers each day.

However, some technological glitches developed, and we had to take it down from the App Store and Google Play.

So we started from scratch and redeveloped the app. The new Honor Your Inner Monk prayer app is now available. You can download it free from wherever you get your apps, or find it here: www.honoryourinnermonk.org.

When you open the app, you can pray that day’s Morning Prayer or Evening Prayer. A text-to-speech function is also available to listen to the prayers.

Other features include a form to send a prayer request to the monastery, a link to the livestream of daily Mass and Vespers, and links to the “Echoes from the Bell Tower” podcast, blog, and Saint Meinrad websites.

We’re glad to have Honor Your Inner Monk back – and hope you are, too.